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Who We Are

저희 개발팀은 전자전기공학/로봇공학

박사 과정을 수료한 멤버들이 모여

임베디드 시스템, 로보틱스 센서 디자인, PCB 제작, 원격 제어 툴, 통신 프로토콜 설계 등 다양한 글로벌 프로젝트 개발에 참여하여 성과를 내고 있습니다.

Our Dev members who completed the electronic and electrical engineering/robot engineering Ph.D.

provide the following technologies.

Embedded Systems, Robotics Sensors,

PCB fabrication, Remote Access control, Communication Protocol Design, etc

We are participating in various global project development and producing results.

Embedded Sysyem

Our Mission

Maximizing the value of client’s investment by providing innovative solutions based on the deep knowledge and extensive experience in the realm of industrial automations and robotics.

Become a top-tier provider of innovative equipment, customize tech service, renowned for making ground-breaking tech solutions.

Core Values


SYSBOTIX comprises Ph.D. certified experts in embedded systems, ensuring that you are working with the best minds in the field. Our technical knowledge and experience guarantee top-tier solutions.

Innovation Hub

Our company fosters an environment of continuous innovation. We are constantly exploring new technologies and methodologies to stay at the forefront of the embedded systems industry.

Global Reach

While we are based in Vietnam and Korea, our services have a global reach.

We have successfully served clients from various regions, establishing ourselves as a trusted partner on the international stage.

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